Seeker of Knowledge

We will be testing on The Seeker of Knowledge, on Friday, February 10.
Here are our spelling words for the week. The words in italics are our challenge spelling words.
Spelling Words: village, except, explain, quick, charge, bridge, knowledge, question, equal, queen, excited, expect, Texas, fudge, excellent, exercise, quart, liquid, quilt, expert, expedition, aquarium, inquire, frequent, advantage

“Seeker of Knowledge” Vocabulary:

1. Ancient – antique; of times long past

2. Link – anything that joins or connects, as a loop or chain would
3. Scholars – students; people having much knowledge
4. Seeker – one who tries to find; one who searches or seeks
5. Temple – building constructed for a god; building used for the service or worship of God or gods
6. Translate – to change from one language into another
7. Triumph – victory or success
8. Uncover – show; to make known

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